in package
Defines all ShortCodes of the TukuToi Search & Filter Plugin.
Table of Contents
- $declarations : string
- The Configuration object.
- $plugin_prefix : string
- The unique prefix of this plugin.
- $version : string
- The version of this plugin.
- __construct() : mixed
- Initialize the class and set its properties.
- buttons() : mixed
- TukuToi `[buttons]` ShortCode.
- loop() : mixed
- TukuToi `[loop]` ShortCode.
- pagination() : mixed
- TukuToi `[pagination]` ShortCode.
- searchtemplate() : mixed
- TukuToi `[searchtemplate]` ShortCode.
- selectsearch() : mixed
- TukuToi `[selectsearch]` ShortCode.
- spinner() : mixed
- TukuToi `[spinner]` ShortCode.
- textsearch() : mixed
- TukuToi `[textsearch]` ShortCode.
- tkt_ajax_pagination() : void
- Alias for TukuToi `[pagination]` ShortCode used when doing AJAX.
- paginate_helper() : mixed
- Paginate Links Builder for TukuToi `[pagination]` ShortCode.
The Configuration object.
All configurations and declarations of this plugin.
The unique prefix of this plugin.
The string used to uniquely prefix technical functions of this plugin.
The version of this plugin.
The current version of this plugin.
Initialize the class and set its properties.
__construct(string $plugin_prefix, string $version, object $declarations, object $query, object $sanitizer, object $plugin_public) : mixed
- $plugin_prefix
- (string) The unique prefix of this plugin.
- $version
- (string) The version of this plugin.
- $declarations
- (object) The Configuration object.
- $query
- (object) The Query object.
- $sanitizer
- (object) The Sanitization object.
- $plugin_public
- (object) The Public object of this plugin.
TukuToi `[buttons]` ShortCode.
buttons(array<string|int, mixed> $atts[, mixed $content = null ], string $tag) : mixed
Outputs the Buttons for Search Form.
Can only be used inside a [searchtemplate][/searchtemplate]
Can be used to produce Search input as well, apart of Submit and Reset buttons.
Example usage:
[buttons label="Submit..." type="submit" customid="my_id" customclasses="class_one classtwo"]
For possible attributes see the Parameters > $atts section below or use the TukuToi ShortCodes GUI.
- $atts
(array<string|int, mixed>)
The ShortCode Attributes. @type string $label The Button Label. Default: 'Submit'. Accepts: valid string. @type string $url_param URL parameter to use. Default: ''. Accepts: valid URL search parameter. @type string $value The value to pass to the URL parameter 'url_param'. Default: ''. Accepts: valid URL search parameter. @type string $search_by Query Parameter. Default: ''. Accepts: valid WP Query Parmater. @type string $type Type of Button. Default: 'submit'. Accepts: 'submit', 'reset', 'button'. @type string $autofocus Whether to autofocus the button. Only one item on document can be autofocused. Default: ''. Accepts: '', autofocus'. @type string $form Form ID to submit. Default: ancestor Form. Accepts: valid Form ID. @type string $formtarget Target of the form. Default: '_self'. Accepts: '_self', '_blank'. @type string $customid ID to use for the Search Form. Default: ''. Accepts: '', valid HTML ID. @type string $customclasses CSS Classes to use for the Search Form. Default: ''. Accepts: '', valid HTML CSS classes, space delimited.
- $content
(mixed) ShortCode enclosed content. TukuToi Search and Filter Search ShortCodes, HTML. Defaults to:
- $tag
- (string) The Shortcode tag. Value: 'selectsearch'.
TukuToi `[loop]` ShortCode.
loop(array<string|int, mixed> $atts[, mixed $content = null ], string $tag) : mixed
Outputs the Search Results and loops over each item found. Mandatory to use when adding Search Results.
Example usage:
[loop instance="my_instance" customid="my_id" customclasses="class_one classtwo" type="post" error="no posts found"]
// Any TukuToi ShortCodes, or other HTML and Post Data to display for each item found.
For possible attributes see the Parameters > $atts section below or use the TukuToi ShortCodes GUI.
- $atts
(array<string|int, mixed>)
The ShortCode Attributes. @type string $instance The Instance used to bind this Loop section to a Search Form Section. Default: ''. Accepts: '', any valid string or number. Must match corresponding Search Form instance. @type string $type For what type the query results are for. Default: 'post'. Accepts: valid post type, valid taxonomy type, valid user role. @type string $error The no results found message: Default ''. Accepts: valid string or HTML.
- $content
(mixed) ShortCode enclosed content. TukuToi ShortCodes, ShortCodes and HTML. No TukuToi Search ShortCodes. Defaults to:
- $tag
- (string) The Shortcode tag. Value: 'loop'.
TukuToi `[pagination]` ShortCode.
pagination(array<string|int, mixed> $atts[, mixed $content = null ], string $tag) : mixed
Outputs the pagination Buttons.
Example usage:
[pagination label_prev="Previous" label_next="Next" urlparam="_page" customclasses="class classone"]
For possible attributes see the Parameters > $atts section below or use the TukuToi ShortCodes GUI.
- $atts
(array<string|int, mixed>)
The ShortCode Attributes. @type string $aria_current The value for the aria-current attribute. Default: page. Accepts: valid string. @type bool $show_all Whether to show all pages. Default: false. Accepts: boolean true|false. @type int $end_size How many numbers on either the start and the end list edges. Default 1. Accepts: numeric value. @type string $mid_size How many numbers to either side of the current page. Default: 2. Accepts: numeric value. @type string $prev_next Whether to include the previous and next links. Default: true. Accepts: bool true|false. @type string $prev_text The previous page text. Default: 'Pre'. Accepts: valid string. @type string $next_text The next page text. Default: 'Next'. Accepts: valid string. @type string $type Controls format of the returned value. Default: plain. Accepts: plain, list. @type string $add_args Query arguments to append to the URL. Default: ''. Accepts: URL arguments formatted like so: 'url_param:value,another_param:another-value'. @type string $add_fragment A string to append to each URL (link) at the end. Default: ''. Accepts: valid string or urlparam. @type string $before_page_number A string to appear before the page number. Default: ''. Accepts: valid string. @type string $after_page_number A string to appear after the page number. Default: ''. Accepts: valid string. @type string $instance The unique instance of search and loop this pagination has to control. Default: ''. Accepts: valid instance (must match Search template and Loop instance). @type string $customclasses CSS Classes to use for the pagination links. Default: ''. Accepts: '', valid HTML CSS classes, space delimited. @type string $pag_arg The URL parameter to use for this pagination. Default: item. Accepts: valid string but NOT 'page' or 'paged'. @type string $container Container Type to put the pagination into. Default: ''. Accepts: '', valid HTML Container type. @type string $containerclasses CSS Classes to use for the Pagination Container. Default: ''. Accepts: '', valid HTML CSS classes, space delimited.
- $content
(mixed) ShortCode enclosed content. Not applicable for this ShortCode. Defaults to:
- $tag
- (string) The Shortcode tag. Value: 'pagination'.
TukuToi `[searchtemplate]` ShortCode.
searchtemplate(array<string|int, mixed> $atts[, mixed $content = null ], string $tag) : mixed
Outputs the Search Form. Mandatory to use when adding Search ShortCodes.
Example usage:
[searchtemplate instance="my_instance" customid="my_id" customclasses="class_one classtwo"]
// Search ShortCodes here.
For possible attributes see the Parameters > $atts section below or use the TukuToi ShortCodes GUI.
- $atts
(array<string|int, mixed>)
The ShortCode Attributes. @type string $instance The Instance used to bind this Search section to a Loop Results Section. Default: ''. Accepts: '', any valid string or number. @type string $customid ID to use for the Search Form. Default: ''. Accepts: '', valid HTML ID. @type string $customclasses CSS Classes to use for the Search Form. Default: ''. Accepts: '', valid HTML CSS classes, space delimited.
- $content
(mixed) ShortCode enclosed content. TukuToi Search and Filter Search ShortCodes, HTML. Defaults to:
- $tag
- (string) The Shortcode tag. Value: 'searchtemplate'.
TukuToi `[selectsearch]` ShortCode.
selectsearch(array<string|int, mixed> $atts[, mixed $content = null ], string $tag) : mixed
Outputs the Select Search Form.
Can only be used inside a [searchtemplate][/searchtemplate]
Example usage:
[selectsearch placeholder="Search..." urlparam="_s" searchby="title" type="multiples2" customid="my_id" customclasses="class_one classtwo"]
For possible attributes see the Parameters > $atts section below or use the TukuToi ShortCodes GUI.
- $atts
(array<string|int, mixed>)
The ShortCode Attributes. @type string $placeholder The Search Input Placeholder. Default: 'Search...'. Accepts: valid string. @type string $urlparam URL parameter to use. Default: '_s'. Accepts: valid URL search parameter. @type string $searchby Query Parameter. Default: 's'. Accepts: valid WP Query Parmater. @type string $type Type of Select. Default: 'single'. Accepts: 'single', 'multiple', 'singleS2', 'multipleS2'. @type string $customid ID to use for the Search Form. Default: ''. Accepts: '', valid HTML ID. @type string $customclasses CSS Classes to use for the Search Form. Default: ''. Accepts: '', valid HTML CSS classes, space delimited. @type string $custom_tax Custom Taxonomy Slug to query by. Default: ''. Accepts: valid custom taxonomy slug. @type string $tax_field Custom Taxonomy field to query by. Default: 'term_id'. Accepts: valid `tax_query` `field` values.
- $content
(mixed) ShortCode enclosed content. TukuToi Search and Filter Search ShortCodes, HTML. Defaults to:
- $tag
- (string) The Shortcode tag. Value: 'selectsearch'.
TukuToi `[spinner]` ShortCode.
spinner(array<string|int, string> $atts[, mixed $content = null ], string $tag) : mixed
Outputs the Spinners for Search and Paginations when using AJAX.
Example usage:
[spinner url="/path/to/spinner.gif" container="div" customid="my_id" customclasses="class_one classtwo" value=""]
For possible attributes see the Parameters > $atts section below or use the TukuToi ShortCodes GUI.
- $atts
(array<string|int, string>)
The ShortCode Attributes. @type string $url Url to the Spinner asset. Default: ''. Accepts: valid URL to resource/asset. @type string $container HTML container to use for displaying the spinner. Default: 'span'. Accepts: valid HTML element. @type string $value Value to show instead of or together with URL asset. Default: ''. Accepts: valid string. @type string $customid ID to use for the Search Form. Default: ''. Accepts: '', valid HTML ID. @type string $customclasses Additional CSS Classes to use for the Search Form. Default: 'tkt_ajax_loader'. Mandatory 'tkt_ajax_loader'. Accepts: 'tkt_ajax_loader' + valid HTML CSS classes, space delimited.
- $content
(mixed) ShortCode enclosed content. Not applicable for this ShortCode. Defaults to:
- $tag
- (string) The Shortcode tag. Value: 'spinner'.
TukuToi `[textsearch]` ShortCode.
textsearch(array<string|int, mixed> $atts[, mixed $content = null ], string $tag) : mixed
Outputs the Text Search Form.
Can only be used inside a [searchtemplate][/searchtemplate]
Example usage:
[textsearch placeholder="Search..." url_param="_s" search_by="title" customid="my_id" customclasses="class_one classtwo"]
For possible attributes see the Parameters > $atts section below or use the TukuToi ShortCodes GUI.
- $atts
(array<string|int, mixed>)
The ShortCode Attributes. @type string $placeholder The Search Input Placeholder. Default: 'Search...'. Accepts: valid string. @type string $urlparam URL parameter to use. Default: '_s'. Accepts: valid URL search parameter. @type string $searchby Query Parameter. Default: 's'. Accepts: valid WP Query Parmater. @type string $customid ID to use for the Search Form. Default: ''. Accepts: '', valid HTML ID. @type string $customclasses CSS Classes to use for the Search Form. Default: ''. Accepts: '', valid HTML CSS classes, space delimited.
- $content
(mixed) ShortCode enclosed content. TukuToi Search and Filter Search ShortCodes, HTML. Defaults to:
- $tag
- (string) The Shortcode tag. Value: 'textsearch'.
Alias for TukuToi `[pagination]` ShortCode used when doing AJAX.
tkt_ajax_pagination() : void
Paginate Links Builder for TukuToi `[pagination]` ShortCode.
paginate_helper(array<string|int, mixed> $atts[, int $page = 1 ][, string $paged = '' ], string $max[, string $add_args = array() ][, string $base = false ]) : mixed
Builds the Pagination Links array/list/plain.
Internal Function to build pagination links. Not intended for external Usage.
- $atts
(array<string|int, mixed>) The ShortCode Attributes, @see
> `pagination` ShortCode. - $page
(int) The current page, populates $pargs['current']. Default: 1. Accepts: valid integer. Defaults to:
- $paged
(string) The Pagination URL parameter, populates $pargs['format']. Default: ''. Accepts: valid URL parameter. Defaults to:
- $max
- (string) The Number Posts Found, populates $parg['total']. Default: ''. Accepts: valid integer.
- $add_args
(string) Additional URL parameters, populates $pargs['add_args']. Default: array. Accepts: array of URL parameter => value. Defaults to:
- $base
(string) The Pagination URL Base, populates $pargs['base']. Default: ''. Accepts: valid base URL. Defaults to: